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Kaiama L. Glover

Kaiama L. Glover is a professor of French and Africana studies at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is the author of Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon (Liverpool University Press 2010), coeditor of multiple scholarly volumes including Revisiting Marie Vieux Chauvet: Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Feminine (Yale French Studies 2016), and prize-winning translator of three works of Haitian prose fiction. Her most recent monograph, Disorderly Women: On Caribbean Community and the Ethics of Self-Regard, is forthcoming with Duke University Press in 2020. Glover is the founding coeditor of archipelagos: a journal of Caribbean digital praxis and founding codirector of the digital humanities project In the Same Boats: Toward an Afro-Atlantic Intellectual Cartography. She has been a recipient of numerous awards, among them the Fulbright Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the New York Public Library, the PEN/Heim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.