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Jonathan Beller

Jonathan Beller is Professor of Humanities and Media Studies and director of the Graduate Program in Media Studies at Pratt Institute. His work focuses on the relationship between the rise of industrial and digital forms of imaging and the transformation of political economy, discourse function and the value-form. Beller’s books include The Cinematic Mode of Production: Attention Economy and the Society of the Spectacle (Dartmouth/UPNE 2006) and Acquiring Eyes: Philippine Visuality, Nationalist Struggle and the World-Media System (Ateneo University Press, 2006). Current book projects are Present Senses: Aesthetics/Affect/Asia (with Neferti Tadiar) and Wagers Within the Image. He also serves on the editorial collectives of tripleC (Cognition, Communication, Co-operation an Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society) and Social Text.