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Issue 7.3 | Summer 2009 — Toward a Vision of Sexual and Economic Justice

Online Resources

50 Years Is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice
50 Years Is Enough: US Network for Global Economic Justice is a coalition of over 200 U.S. grassroots, women’s, solidarity, faith-based, policy, social- and economic-justice, youth, labor and development organizations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender, and Sexuality
CentreLGS is a critical, interdisciplinary, international research center, advancing scholarship that is theoretically informed and relevant to policy and that explores gender and sexuality in relation to law, governance, and normativity.

Agencia Latinoamericana de Información
The Latin American Information Agency is a communications organization committed to the full respect of human rights, gender equality, and people’s participation in development and policy making in Latin America.

The Association for Women’s Rights in Development
The Association for Women’s Rights in Development is an international membership organization connecting, informing, and mobilizing people and organizations committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development, and women’s human rights by building the individual and organizational capacities of those working for women’s empowerment and social justice.

The Campaign for a Convention on Sexual and Reproductive Rights
The Campaign for a Convention on Sexual and Reproductive Rights was launched in 1999 and was born of an alliance between feminist organizations, networks, and campaigns in Latin American and the Caribbean. The convention will, among many things, define and protect sexual and reproductive rights, begin a public debate around these issues, and generate reliable information about topics that are plagued by myths and prejudice.

Center for Global Justice
The Center for Global Justice, based in Guanajuato, Mexico, is an international educational and research network dedicated to progressive social movements, analysis of the worldwide effects of corporate globalization, and exploration of workable and just solutions to the social and economic problems caused by neoliberal policies.

Center for Popular Economics
The Center for Popular Economics is a nonprofit collective of political economists based in Amherst, MA, which examines root causes of economic inequality and injustice, including systems of oppression based on race, class, gender, nation, and ethnicity, and puts useful economic tools in the hands of people fighting for social and economic justice.

Center for the Study of Sexualities
The Center for the Study of Sexualities at National Central University in Taiwan is a research- and information-based collective focusing on the theme of sexuality in its relation to gender and other social differences such as class, race, age, and disability.

Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies
This Coalition includes over 40 organizations of different backgrounds (women’s rights, human rights, LGBT, health, research) from the Middle East, North Africa, South and South East Asia working on sexuality issues. It works with a holistic approach and believes that sexual rights are interlinked with economics, and social justice, as well as equality.

darkmatter is an open-access online journal committed to producing contemporary post-colonial critique, including queer perspectives on race in the twenty-first century. Working within, outside and beyond the institutions and disciplines of the academy, darkmatter publishes articles, reviews, commentary, digital and audio-visual texts.

DAWN: Development Alternatives with Women in a New Era
DAWN is a network of women scholars and activists from the economic South who engage in feminist research and analysis of the global environment and are committed to working for economic justice, gender justice, and democracy.

Focus on the Global South
Focus on the Global South is a nongovernmental organization working in Thailand, the Philippines, and India, combining policy research, advocacy, activism and grassroots capacity building in order to generate critical analysis and encourage debates on national and international policies related to corporate-led globalization, neoliberalism, and militarization.

Fórum Social Mundial (World Social Forum)
The World Social Forum is an open meeting place where social movements, networks, NGOs, and other civil society organizations opposed to neoliberalism and a world dominated by capitalism or by any form of imperialism come together to network for effective action.

Gender Action
Gender Action is the only organization dedicated to promoting gender equality and women’s rights in all International Financial Institution (IFI) investments such as those of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, ensuring that women and men equally participate in and benefit from all IFI investments.

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of more than 80 nongovernmental organizations from all regions of the world who work to address the core aspects of trafficking in persons: forced labor and services in all sectors of the formal and informal economy as well as the public and private organization of work. GAATW organizations also promote and defend the rights and safety of all migrants and their families against the threats of an increasingly globalized and informalized labor market.

Health Global Access Project
Health Global Access Project is an organization of U.S.-based AIDS and human-rights activists, people living with HIV/AIDS, public-health experts, fair-trade advocates, and concerned individuals who campaign against policies of neglect and avarice that deny treatment to millions and fuel the spread of HIV.

International Association For Feminist Economics
The International Association for Feminist Economics is a nonprofit organization that seeks to advance feminist inquiry in economic issues and to educate economists and others on feminist points of view.

International Forum on Globalization
The International Forum on Globalization is a North-South research and educational institution composed of leading activists, economists, scholars, and researchers providing analyses and critiques on the cultural, social, political, and environmental impacts of economic globalization.

The International Gender and Trade Network
The International Gender and Trade Network (IGTN) is a network of feminist specialists who provide technical information on gender and trade issues. IGTN acts as a political catalyst to enlarge the space for critical feminist perspectives and action on trade and globalization issues.

International Union of Sex Workers
The International Union of Sex Workers campaigns for the human, civil, and labor rights of those who work in the sex industry.

Jobs with Justice
Jobs with Justice is a network of local multi-issue grassroots coalitions of unions, churches, students, and community organizations dedicated to workers’ rights struggles as part of a larger campaign for economic and social justice. Using justice campaigns as an organizing form, Jobs with Justice builds coalitions that expand workplace justice to include affordable housing, universal health care, and a wide range of community development issues.

Our World is Not for Sale Coalition
Our World is Not for Sale Coalition is a worldwide network of organizations, activists, and social movements committed to challenging trade and investment agreements that advance the interests of the world’s most powerful corporations at the expense of people and the environment.

Partners In Health
Partners In Health is a nonprofit organization committed to working in partnership with community-based groups on projects designed to improve health outcomes in poor communities and alleviate the social and economic barriers to good health.

Paulo Longo Research Initiative
The PLRI is a collaboration of scholars, policy analysts and sex workers established in 2008. Its aims are to develop and consolidate ethical, interdisciplinary scholarship on sex work to encourage policy that helps improve the lives of men, women and transgender people who sell or buy sex.

The Pink Space
This Beijing-based organization aims to promote movements for sexual rights in China and build partnerships with activists, practitioners, and scholars from the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Focusing mainly on sexually oppressed women, a group that it defines as including “sex workers, the disabled, single mothers, divorced women, elderly women, HIV positive women, young people, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender, etc.”, it provides spaces—through a hotline, workshops, and meeting events—for these people to talk about their sexualities. It also provides technical support to help these communities meet their identified needs and realize their sexual rights.

The Pleasure Project
The Pleasure Project is an educational initiative that promotes sex-positive safer-sex and HIV prevention programs, working with NGOs and the public-health sector to provide training, consultancy, research, and publications to sexual-health trainers and counselors who want to take a more sex-positive approach to their work.

Queers for Economic Justice
Queers for Economic Justice is a progressive nonprofit organization committed to promoting economic justice in a context of sexual and gender liberation, and changing the systems that create poverty and economic injustice in our communities.

Refuse and Resist!
Refuse and Resist! is a nonpartisan, national membership organization that builds and encourages many forces of resistance: speaking out in schools, communities, and in the media; organizing forums and meetings; demonstrating in the streets; and creating and performing cultural works.

The Sex Workers’ Project at the Urban Justice Center
The Sex Workers’ Project (SWP) at the Urban Justice Center provides legal services and legal training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy for sex workers. Using documentation-based advocacy, policy analysis, training and education, and collaboration with community-based service providers, SWP advances practical, long-term solutions to the problems faced by this vulnerable and marginalized population.

The Sexuality and Development Programme
The Sexuality and Development Programme of the Institute of Development Studies is a research group that supports inquiry and communications aimed at rethinking the relationship between sexuality, rights, and development and building stronger links between people in different contexts working to realize their sexual rights.

Sexuality Policy Watch
Inspired by local and international initiatives, SPW’s mission is twofold: to contribute to sexuality related global policy debates through strategic policy-oriented research and analysis projects, and to promote more effective linkages between local, regional and global initiatives. Issues such as protecting sexual freedoms and enhancing access to resources that promote sexual health are among SPW’s central concerns.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) is a collective organization that works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination, or violence. Founded on the understanding that gender self-determination is inextricably intertwined with racial, social, and economic justice, SRLP seeks to increase the political voice and visibility of low-income people of color who are transgender, intersex, or gender nonconforming and to improve access to social, legal, and health services for these communities.

United for a Fair Economy
United for a Fair Economy raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart.

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