Tit for Twat

Artist Statement
Tit for Twat
Tit for Twat addresses the biblical presumption of heterosexuality and its relationship to other theories of origin. Tit for Twat (1993 ongoing) takes quite literally the taunt heard in the early 90s on what was then called trash TV that if God had wanted homosexuality it would have been Adam and Steve (or, as I have added, Madam and Eve) and explores the implications of such changes to the creation myth. The so-called original garden is the site of much confusion about human nature and the nature of human sexuality. Tit for Twat disucsses notions of innovation and origin in history, creationism, science and material culture. Rather than providing justification for historical inequalities, Tit for Twat ultimately deconstructs and questions the privileging of universalized systems of knowledge over de-centered changing narratives of difference. A three-part photomontage photo-novella narrative designed for exhibition and publication, its chapters (Madam and Eve in the Garden; Can We Talk?; and Its Not about Shame! Accessorize!) are made as an ongoing open structure that will not find an absolute end but will continue to have new parts added to the narrative as it develops.
—Kaucyila Brooke, 2010