Issue 20.1 | Fall 2024 — Rage, Struggle, Freedom
Edges of Self and City; Sea Broken; Jazz or the ways of our ‘time feel’ trio
Ximena Keogh Serrano is a poet and transdisciplinary scholar based in Portland, OR. Born in Quito, Ecuador, her writing embraces a movement between disciplines and languages. She is an assistant professor at Pacific University in Oregon, where she teaches Latin American and U.S. Latinx literary and cultural studies. Ximena is an alum of VONA/Voices. She is also the recipient of the Zora Neale Hurston Scholarship and the Amiri Baraka Scholarship from Naropa University’s Summer Writing Programs at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming from Harbor Review, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, The Chiricú Journal, the Journal for Latina Critical Feminism, and elsewhere. Currently, she is working on a collection of essays that center on the politics of transnational identity, belonging, and quests for decolonizing desire.