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Wendy Eisner

Wendy Eisner, Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Cincinnati, is a physical geographer, environmental scientist, and archaeologist trained in America and Europe. Her main geographical interest is the Arctic: Alaska, Siberia, and Greenland. She is also a pollen analyst, or “palynologist” and she identifies and interprets fossil pollen from ancient sediments (lakes and peats) in order to reconstruct past vegetation and climate. She has a BA in Anthropology from Barnard College, an MA in Social Anthropology from University of Leiden, a Drs in Archaeology from the University of Amsterdam, and a PhD in Physical Geography from the University of Utrecht. She also studies indigenous knowledge as it relates to climatic and environmental change in the Arctic. Her current project is conducted with Alaskan Native elders to incorporate their perceptions and understanding of their environment in order to improve our scientific knowledge of the Arctic region.