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Walter Kalaidjian

Walter Kalaidjian is a Professor of English and former Director of English Graduate Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, where he teaches courses in American literary modernism and the avant-gardes, 20th-Century poetry and poetics, psychoanalytic approaches to literature, and critical theory generally. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and editor of the Cambridge Companion to American Modernism (2005); in addition, he is the author of the following books: The Edge of Modernism: American Poetry and the Traumatic Past (Johns Hopkins UP, 2005), American Culture Between the Wars: Revisionary Modernism and Postmodern Critique (Columbia UP, 1994), Languages of Liberation: The Social Text in Contemporary American Poetry (Columbia UP, 1989), and Understanding Theodore Roethke (University of South Carolina Press, 1987). He is also the coauthor with Judith Roof and Stephen Watt of Understanding Literature (Houghton Mifflin, 2003).