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Suzanne Franzway

Suzanne Franzway, Professor in Gender Studies and Sociology, is a key researcher in the Research Centre for Gender Studies at the University of South Australia. Her current research projects include epistemologies of workplace change: transforming gender relations in engineering, international labour movements and activism, and the impact of domestic violence on women’s work. She is a founding member of the UNESCO Women’s Studies and Gender Research Network and is deputy Chair of the Working Women’s Centre, South Australia. Her books include Sexual Politics and Greedy Institutions: Union Women, Commitment and Conflict in Public and in Private (Pluto Australia, 2001), Staking a Claim: Feminism, Bureaucracy and the State (Allen & Unwin, 1989), and is co-author of New Feminist Politics: Transnational Alliances between Women and Labor (Illinois University Press, under contract). She is co-editor of Making Globalization Work For Women: Women’s Social Rights And Trade Union Leadership (SUNY Press, under contract).