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Sumedha Bhattacharyya

Sumedha is an interdisciplinary dance artist, choreographer, researcher, and dance filmmaker and currently a faculty member at Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, O.P Jindal University, teaching Screendance and Interdisciplinary seminar courses.

She finds herself exploring the space in between performance and technology vis-à-vis dance and camera. She is an Erasmus Mundus scholarship recipient and studied her Choreomundus MA in Dance Knowledge, Practice and Heritage in Norway, France, Hungary, and the UK. With a focus on screendance filmmaking, dance anthropology, and visual ethnography, she traveled, lived together, and collaborated with a range of forms, communities, and dance-theatre makers across local, national, and international locations. She is a Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) awardee under Goldsmiths University UK, for her project Water Nodes integrated motion capture technology with performance and intergenerational maternal memories.
Her films have travelled nationally and internationally: Tranzit House Romania; Screen.Dance, Scotland’s Festival of Dance on Screen Screendance Festival; San Souci Festival for Dance Cinema; Movimiento en Movimiento International Film Festival, Mexico City; Numeridanse TV, France; International Documentary and Short Film Festival; and International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance Conference, GhanaHer noteworthy films include Biroho (2023), Saraab (2019), and Mau (2023). As a part-time visiting faculty at Ashoka University and a Guest Lecturer at Barnard College for Women, Columbia University, teaching helps reflect on her own artistic practice.