Lisa Jervis
Lisa Jervis is the co-founder and publisher of Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture, a national nonprofit quarterly magazine offering feminist commentary on our intensely mediated world. She is also a founding board member of the media training and advocacy organization Women in Media and News, and editor at large of LiP: Informed Revolt. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and books, including Ms., the San Francisco Chronicle, Utne, Mother Jones, the Women’s Review of Books, Bust, Hues, Salon, Girlfriends, Punk Planet, Body Outlaws (Seal Press), and The Bust Guide to the New Girl Order (Penguin). She is the co-editor Young Wives’ Tales: New Adventures in Love and Partnership (Seal Press), and is currently at work on a book about the intellectual legacy of gender essentialism and its effect on contemporary feminism.