S&F Online
The Scholar & Feminist Online is a webjournal published three times a year by the Barnard Center for Research on Women
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Issue: 7.3: Summer 2009
Guest Edited by Kate Bedford and Janet R. Jakobsen
Toward a Vision of Sexual and Economic Justice

Recommended Reading

Adams, Vincanne and Stacy Leigh Pigg, (eds). 2005. Sex in Development: Science, Sexuality, and Morality in Global Perspective. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.

Alexander, M. Jacqui. Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and the Sacred. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.

Armas, Henry. Whose Sexualities Count: Poverty, Participation and Sexual Rights. Working Papers Series 294. Brighton, UK: The Institute of Development Studies, 2007.

AVERT. "President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief." January 23, 2008. www.avert.org/pepfar.htm.

———. "Worldwide HIV & AIDS Statistics Commentary." November 26, 2007. www.avert.org/worlstatinfo.htm.

———. "Funding for the HIV and AIDS Epidemic." June 26, 2007. www.avert.org/aidsmoney.htm.

Badgett, M.V. Lee. Money, Myths, and Change: The Economic Lives of Lesbians and Gay Men. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.

Bakker, Isabella, ed. The Strategic Silence: Gender and Economic Policy. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Zed Books, 1994.

Bakker, Isabella and Stephen Gill, eds. Power, Production and Social Reproduction: Human In/Security in the Global Political Economy. New York: Palgrave, 2003.

Barker, Nicola. "Sex and the Civil Partnership Act: The Future of (Non) Conjugality?" Feminist Legal Studies 14.2 (2006) 241-59.

Bedford, Kate. Developing Partnerships: Gender, Sexuality, and the Reformed World Bank. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2009 (forthcoming).

Benería, Lourdes and Shelley Feldman, eds. Unequal Burden: Economic Crises, Persistent Poverty, and Women's Work. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992.

Benson, Todd. "Brazil to Copy AIDS Drug Made by Abbott." New York Times 25 June 2005. www.nytimes.com/2005/06/25/health/25drug.html.

Berlant, Lauren and Michael Warner. "Sex in Public." Critical Inquiry 24.2 (1998): 547-66.

Bernstein, Elizabeth. "The Meaning of the Purchase: Desire, Demand and the Commerce of Sex." Ethnography 2.3 (2001): 389-420.

Bernstein, Elizabeth. Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity and the Commerce of Sex. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.

Beyond Marriage. "Beyond Same-Sex Marriage." 26 July 2006. www.beyondmarriage.org/full_statement.html.

Binnie, Jon. The Globalization of Sexuality. London: Sage, 2004.

Brodie, Janine. "Shifting The Boundaries: Gender and the Politics of Restructuring." The Strategic Silence. Ed. Isabella Baaker. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Zed Books, 1994. 46-60.

Bowlus, Audra J. and Shannon Seitz. "Domestic Violence, Employment, and Divorce." International Economic Review 47.4 (2006): 1113-49.

Burack, Cynthia. Sin, Sex, and Democracy: Antigay Rhetoric and the Christian Right. SUNY Press, 2008.

Campaign for a Convention on Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights: Manifesto. 2nd ed. Translated Sharmila Bhushan. Lima, Perú, 2006.

Cohen, Cathy. The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Conaghan, Joanne and Emily Grabham. "Sexuality and the Citizen Carer: The Good Gay and the Third Way." Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 58 (2007): 325-341.

Cornwall, Andrea, Sonia Correa, and Susan Jolly, eds. Development with a Body—Sexualities, Development and Human Rights. London: Zed Books, 2008.

Correa, Sonia and Richard Parker. 2004. "Sexuality, Human Rights and Demographic Thinking: Connections and Disjunctions in a Changing World." Sexuality Research and Social Policy 1 (1991): 15-38.

Datta, Rekha. "From Development to Empowerment: The Self-Employed Women's Association in India." International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 16.3 (2003): 351-68.

DAWN, Population and Reproductive Rights: Feminist Perspectives from the South, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria: DAWN, 1994.

De Sario, Beppe. 2007. "'Precari su Marte': An Experiment in Activism Against Precarity." Feminist Review 87 (2007): 21-39.

Duggan, Lisa. The Twilight of Equality: Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics and the Attack on Democracy. Boston: Beacon Press, 2003.

Elson, Diane. "Gender-Aware Analysis and Development Economics." The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, 6th edition. Eds. K. P. Jameson and C.K Wilber. New York: McGraw Hill, 1996.

Erikson, Loree. "Revealing Femmegimp: A Sex-Positive Reflection on Sites of Shame as Sites of Resistence for People with Disabilities." Atlantis 31.2 (2007): 42-52.

Fantone, Laura. "Precarious Changes: Gender and Generational Politics in Contemporary Italy. Feminist Review 87 (2007): 5-20.

Ferrie, J., et al. "The Health Effects of Anticipation of Major Organizational Change and Job Insecurity." Social Science and Medicine 46.2 (1998): 243-54.

Finkelhor, David. "The International Epidemiology of Child Sexual Abuse." Child Abuse and Neglect 18.5 (1994): 409-17.

Folbre, Nancy. Who Pays for the Kids? Gender and the Structures of Constraint. New York: Routledge, 1994.

Fonow, Mary Margaret. Union Women: Forging Feminism in the United Steelworkers of America. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2003.

Foucault, Michel. "Governmentality." The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality. Eds. Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991. 87-104.

Franzway, Suzanne. Sexual Politics and Greedy Institutions: Union Women, Commitments and Conflicts in Public and Private. Melbourne, Australia, 2001.

Fudge, Judy and Rosemary Owens. "Precarious Work, Women, and the New Economy: The Challenge to Legal Norms." Precarious Work, Women And the New Economy: The Challenge to Legal Norms. Eds. Fudge and Owens. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006. 3-27.

Gill, Lesley. Precarious Dependencies: Gender, Class, and Domestic Service in Bolivia. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

Girard, Françoise. "The Global Implications of US Domestic and International Policies on Sexuality. International Working Group for Sexuality and Social Policy Working Papers, no. 1 (2004). www.mailman.hs.columbia.edu/cgsh/cgsh.html.

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. "From Servitude to Service Work: Historical Continuities in the Racial Division of Paid Domestic Labor." Signs 18.1 (1992): 1-44.

Goldman, Michael. Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005.

Hardisty, Jean. Pushed to the Altar: The Right Wing Roots of Marriage Promotion. Marriage Promotion series pt 1. Somerville, MA: Political Research Associates/Women of Color Resource Center, 2008.

Health GAP (Global Access Project). "Between the Lines: GAO Report on PEPFAR Prevention Programs." April 5, 2006. www.healthgap.org/camp/pepfar_docs/HGAPPepfar0406.pdf.

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. "HIV/AIDS Policy Fact Sheet: Women and HIV/AIDS in the United States." July 2007. www.kff.org/hivaids/upload/6092-04.pdf.

Hoad, Neville. 2000. "Arrested Development or the Queerness of Savages: Resisting Evolutionary Narratives of Difference." Postcolonial Studies 3, no. 2: 133-158.

Hughes, Solomon. The War on Terror, Inc. Corporate Profiteering From the Politics of Fear. Verso: London, 2007.

Ilkkaracan, Ipek and Gulsah Seral. "Sexual Pleasure as a Woman's Human Right: Experiences from a Grassroots Training Program in Turkey." Women and Sexuality in Muslim Societies. Istanbul, Turkey: Women for Women's Human Rights. Eds. Ilkkaracan, Pinar. Istanbul, Turkey: Women for Women's Human Rights, 2000. 187-96.

Intimate Labors: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Domestic, Care and Sex Work. University of California, Santa Barbara. October 4-6, 2007. Organized by Eileen Boris and Rhacel Parreñas. www.ihc.ucsb.edu/intimatelabors.

Jakobsen, Janet R. and Ann Pellegrini. Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance. New York: New York University Press, 2003.

Jansen, M., L. Snoeckx, and D. Mortelmans. "Repartnering and (re-)employment: strategies to cope with the economic consequences of partnership dissolution." Paper delivered at the British Household Panel Survey Conference, 5-7 July 2007, University of Essex, Colchester UK.

Kempadoo, Kamala. Sexing the Caribbean: Gender, Race and Sexual Labor. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Khaitan, Tarunabh. "Violence Against Lesbians in India." Alternative Law Forum. 12 December 2004. www.altlawforum.org.

Klein, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007.

León, Irene and Phumi Mtetwa. Globalization: GLBT alternatives. Quito, Ecuador: GLBT South-South Dialogue, 2003.

León, Irene, ed. Mujeres en Resistencia: experiencias, visiones y propuestas. Quito, Ecuador: ALAI, FEDAEPS-Ecuador, Marcha Mundia de las Mujers, Red latinoamericana Mujeres Transformando la Económia, Articulación de Mujeres CLOC/Vía Campesina, Dialogo Sur/Sur LGBT, 2005.

Lind, Amy. Gendered Paradoxes: Women's Movements, State Restructuring, and Global Development in Ecuador. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005.

Martin, Nicole. "Women Worse Off After Divorce." Daily Telegraph 7 July 2007.

Miller, Alice. 2009. "Sexuality and Human Rights: Discussion paper." International Council on Human Rights, Switzerland.

Mink, Gwendolyn. Welfare's End. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998.

Moser, Caroline. Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice and Training. New York: Routledge, 1993.

Oswin, Natalie. "Producing Homonormativity in Neoliberal South Africa: Recognition, Redistribution, and the Equality Project." Signs 32.3 (2007): 649-69.

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Padilla, Mark. Caribbean Pleasure Industry: Tourism, Sexuality, and AIDS in the Dominican Republic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.

Perkins-Gilman, Charlotte. Women and Economics. New York: Source Book Press, 1970 [1898].

Peterson, V. Spike. A Critical Rewriting of Global Political Economy: Integrating Reproductive, Productive and Virtual Economies. New York: Routledge, 2003.

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Roberts, Dorothy. Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty. New York: Vintage, 1998.

Rofel, Lisa. Desiring China: Experiments in Neoliberalism, Sexuality and Public Culture. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2007.

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Stoler, Ann. Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.

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