S&F Online
The Scholar & Feminist Online is a webjournal published three times a year by the Barnard Center for Research on Women
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Issue: 6.3: Summer 2008
Guest Edited by Neferti Tadiar
Borders on Belonging: Gender and Immigration

Al Otro Lado (To the Other Side)

Natalia Almada

Almada introduces excerpts from her documentary, Al Otro Lado (To the Other Side), on the desires and struggles of Mexican immigrants as they hope for better lives by crossing the border. Their experiences are rendered through the corrido, the popular narrative song form, which becomes the mode of expression through which migrants participate in their own form of cultural belonging. Almada's comments were recorded at The Scholar & Feminist Conference XXXII, "Fashioning Citizenship: Gender and Immigration," held on March 24, 2007 at Barnard College.

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Almada's Introductory Remarks:

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© 2008 Barnard Center for Research on Women | S&F Online - Issue 6.3: Summer 2008 - Borders on Belonging: Gender and Immigration