The Gender of Sovereignty
by Lisa Lowe
Locking Up Hope: Immigration, Gender and the Prison System
by Natalie J. Sokoloff and Susan C. Pearce
"I Would Wish Death on You..." Race, Gender and Immigration in the Globality of the U.S. Prison Regime
by Dylan Rodríguez
Domestic Debates: Constructions of Gendered Migration from the Philippines
by Robyn Rodriguez
Queering the Chain of Care Paradigm
by Martin F. Manalansan IV
The Homoerotics of Immigration Control
by Mary Pat Brady
"Look, Mohammed the Terrorist is Coming!" Cultural Racism, Nation-Based Racism and the Intersectionality of Oppressions after 9/11
by Nadine Naber
A Transnational Conversation on French Colonialism, Immigration, Violence and Sovereignty
by Miriam Ticktin, Paola Bacchetta and Ruth Marshall